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The Gospel According to Matthew is believed to have been written between 70 and 110 AD, likely around 80 AD.  It contains most of what is found in Mark plus additional material.  Written in an abbreviated, succinct style, it has been the most popular of the three synoptic gospels for many centuries and near universally appears as the first book in the New Testament.  It has been accepted as canonical (genuine and true) by the church since its earliest days.  In summary, the Gospel of Matthew describes the birth and early youth of Jesus, the activity of Jesus in Galilee, and the activity of Jesus in Judaea followed by his death and resurrection.

  1. The Birth and Early Years of Jesus (chs. 1–2)
    1. His Genealogy (1:1–17)
    2. His Birth (1:18—2:12)
      1. Jesus discovers Mary is with child
      2. King Herod sends Maji to visit baby Jesus in Bethlehem
    3. His Sojourn in Egypt (2:13–23)
  2. The Beginnings of Jesus’ Ministry (3:1—4:11)
    1. Jesus Forerunner – John the Baptist (3:1–12)
    2. The Baptism of Jesus (3:13–17)
    3. His Temptation (4:1–11)
  3. Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee (4:12—14:12)
    1. The Beginning of the Galilean Campaign (4:12–25)
      1. Jesus begins his ministry (4:12 – 4:17)
      2. Jesus calls his first disciples into service (4:18 – 4:22)
      3. Jesus begins miraculous healings (4:23 – 4:25)
    2. The Sermon on the Mount (chs. 5–7)
      1. The Beatitudes (5:1 – 5:12)
      2. Salt and Light (5:13 – 5:16)
      3. Jesus and the fulfillment of Old Testament Law (5:17 – 5:20)
      4. More than murder (5:21 – 5:26)
      5. Adultery and lust (5:27 – 5:30)
      6. Divorce and adultery (5:31 – 5:32)
      7. Oaths and promises (5:33 – 5:37)
      8. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth (5:38 – 5:42)
      9. Love your enemies (5:43 – 5:48)
      10. Giving to the needy (6:1 – 6:4)
      11. Prayer – Jesus teaches us how to pray (6:5 – 6:15)
      12. Jesus teachers his followers how to fast (6:16 – 6:18)
      13. Storing up treasures in heaven (6:19 – 6:24)
      14. Jesus teaches his followers not to worry (6:25 – 6:34)
      15. Do not judge or you will too be judged (7:1 – 7:6)
      16. Ask, seek, knock – pray persistently (7:7 – 7:12)
      17. The narrow and wide gates (7:13 – 7:14)
      18. Beware of false prophets (7:15 – 7:23)
      19. The wise and foolish builders (7:24 – 7:29)
    3. A Collection of Miracles (chs. 8–9)
      1. Ignoring social constructs, Jesus touches and heals a leper (8:5 – 8:13)
      2. Fulfilling Old Testament prophecy, Jesus heals multitudes of people (8:14 – 8:17)
      3. The cost of following Jesus (8:18 – 8:22)
      4. Jesus calms a storm on the sea (8:23 – 8:27)
      5. Jesus drives demons into herd of pigs (8:28 – 8:34)
      6. Jesus heals a paralyzed man and is accused of blasphemy (9:1 – 9:8)
    4. The Commissioning of the 12 Apostles (ch. 10)
    5. Ministry throughout Galilee (chs. 11–12)
      1. John the Baptist questions Jesus – are you the Messiah? (11:1 – 11:19)
    6. The Parables of the Kingdom (ch. 13)
      1. The parable of the sower (13:1 – 13:23)
      2. The parable of the weeds (13:24 – 13:52)
      3. Despite success in Capernaum, Jesus’ home takes offense (13:53 – 13:58)
    7. Herod’s Reaction to Jesus’ Ministry (14:1–12)
  4. Jesus’ Withdrawals from Galilee (14:13—17:20)
    1. To the Eastern Shore of the Sea of Galilee (14:13—15:20)
      1. Jesus feeds the 5,000 (14:13 – 14:21)
      2. Jesus walks on water (14:22 – 14:33)
      3. True defilement (14:34 – 15:20)
    2. To Phoenicia (15:21–28)
    3. To the Decapolis (15:29—16:12)
      1. Jesus feeds the 4,000 (15:29 – 15:39)
      2. Pharisees ask for a sign (16:1 – 16:4)
    4. To Caesarea Philippi (16:13—17:20)
  5. Jesus’ Last Ministry in Galilee (17:22—18:35)
    1. Prediction of Jesus’ Death (17:22–23)
    2. Temple Tax (17:24–27)
    3. Discourse on Life in the Kingdom (ch. 18)
  6. Jesus’ Ministry in Judea and Perea (chs. 19–20)
    1. Teaching concerning Divorce (19:1–12)
    2. Teaching concerning Little Children (19:13–15)
    3. The Rich Young Man (19:16–30)
    4. The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard (20:1–16)
    5. Prediction of Jesus’ Death (20:17–19)
    6. A Mother’s Request (20:20–28)
    7. Restoration of Sight at Jericho (20:29–34)
  7. Passion Week (chs. 21–27)
    1. The Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem as King (21:1–11)
    2. The Cleansing of the Temple (21:12–17)
    3. The Last Controversies with the Jewish Leaders (21:18—23:39)
    4. The Olivet Discourse (chs. 24–25)
    5. The Anointing of Jesus’ Feet (26:1–13)
    6. The Arrest, Trials and Death of Jesus (26:14—27:66)
  8. The Resurrection (ch. 28)
    1. The Earthquake and the Angel’s Announcement (28:1–7)
    2. Jesus’ Encounter with the Women (28:8–10)
    3. The Guards’ Report and the Jewish Elders’ Bribe (28:11–15)
    4. The Great Commission (28:16–20)