New Testament

Detailed outline of 2 Timothy

Introduction (1:1–4) Paul’s Concern for Timothy (1:5–14) Paul’s Situation (1:15–18) Special Instructions to Timothy (ch. 2) Call for Endurance (2:1–13) Warning about Foolish Controversies (2:14–26) Warning about the Last Days (ch. 3) Terrible Times (3:1–9) Means of Combating Them (3:10–17) Paul’s Departing Remarks (4:1–8) Charge to Preach the Word (4:1–5) Paul’s Victorious Prospect (4:6–8)

Detailed outline of the Book of Titus

Greetings (1:1–4) Concerning Elders (1:5–9) Reasons for Leaving Titus in Crete (1:5) Qualifications of Elders (1:6–9) Concerning False Teachers (1:10–16) Concerning Various Groups in the Congregations (ch. 2) The Instructions to Different Groups (2:1–10) The Foundation for Christian Living (2:11–14) The Duty of Titus (2:15) Concerning Believers in General (3:1–8) Obligations as Citizens (3:1–2)

Detailed outline of the Book (Letter or Epistle) of Hebrews

Prologue: The Superiority of God’s New Revelation (1:1–4) The Superiority of Christ to Leading Figures under the Old Covenant (1:5—7:28) Christ Is Superior to the Angels (1:5—2:18) Scriptural proof of his superiority (1:5–14) Exhortation not to ignore the revelation of God in his Son (2:1–4) Jesus was made a little lower than the angels

Detailed outline of the Book (Letter of) of James

Greetings (1:1) Trials and Temptations (1:2–18) The Testing of Faith (1:2–12) The Source of Temptation (1:13–18) Listening and Doing (1:19–27) Favoritism Forbidden (2:1–13) Faith and Deeds (2:14–26) Taming the Tongue (3:1–12) Two Kinds of Wisdom (3:13–18) Warning against Worldliness (ch. 4) Quarrelsomeness (4:1–3) Spiritual Unfaithfulness (4:4) Pride (4:5–10) Slander (4:11–12) Boasting (4:13–17) Warning to

Detailed outline of 1 Peter

Greetings (1:1–2) Praise to God for His Grace and Salvation (1:3–12) Exhortations to Holiness of Life (1:13—5:11) The Requirement of Holiness (1:13—2:3) The Position of Believers (2:4–12) A spiritual house (2:4–8) A chosen people (2:9–10) Aliens and strangers (2:11–12) Submission to Authority (2:13—3:7) Submission to rulers (2:13–17) Submission to masters (2:18–20) Christ’s example of

Detailed outline of 2 Peter

Greetings (1:1–2) Exhortation to Growth in Christian Virtues (1:3–11) The Divine Enablement (1:3–4) The Call for Growth (1:5–7) The Value of Such Growth (1:8–11) The Purpose and Authentication of Peter’s Message (1:12–21) His Aim in Writing (1:12–15) The Basis of His Authority (1:16–21) Warning against False Teachers (ch. 2) Their Coming Predicted (2:1–3a) Their

Detailed outline of 1 John

Introduction: The Reality of the Incarnation (1:1–4) The Christian Life as Fellowship with the Father and the Son (1:5—2:28) Ethical Tests of Fellowship (1:5—2:11) Moral likeness (1:5–7) Confession of sin (1:8—2:2) Obedience (2:3–6) Love for fellow believers (2:7–11) Two Digressions (2:12–17) Christological Test of Fellowship (2:18–28) Contrast: apostates versus believers (2:18–21) Person of Christ:
