1. Greetings (1:1–2)
  2. Warning against False Teachers (1:3–11)
    1. The Nature of the Heresy (1:3–7)
    2. The Purpose of the Law (1:8–11)
  3. The Lord’s Grace to Paul (1:12–17)
  4. The Purpose of Paul’s Instructions to Timothy (1:18–20)
  5. Instructions concerning Church Administration (chs. 2–3)
    1. Public Worship (ch. 2)
      1. Prayer in public worship (2:1–8)
      2. Women in public worship (2:9–15)
    2. Qualifications for Church Officers (3:1–13)
      1. Overseers (3:1–7)
      2. Deacons (3:8–13)
    3. Purpose of These Instructions (3:14–16)
  6. Instructions concerning False Teaching (ch. 4)
    1. False Teaching Described (4:1–5)
    2. Methods of Dealing with It Explained (4:6–16)
  7. Instructions concerning Different Groups in the Church (5:1—6:2)
    1. The Older and Younger (5:1–2)
    2. Widows (5:3–16)
    3. Elders (5:17–25)
    4. Slaves (6:1–2)
  8. Miscellaneous Matters (6:3–19)
    1. False Teachers (6:3–5)
    2. Love of Money (6:6–10)
    3. Charge to Timothy (6:11–16)
    4. The Rich (6:17–19)
  9. Concluding Appeal and Benediction (6:20–21)