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  1. Prologue: The Superiority of God’s New Revelation (1:1–4)
  2. The Superiority of Christ to Leading Figures under the Old Covenant (1:5—7:28)
    1. Christ Is Superior to the Angels (1:5—2:18)
      1. Scriptural proof of his superiority (1:5–14)
      2. Exhortation not to ignore the revelation of God in his Son (2:1–4)
      3. Jesus was made a little lower than the angels (2:5–9)
      4. Having been made like us, Jesus was enabled to save us (2:10–18)
    2. Christ Is Superior to Moses (3:1—4:13)
      1. Demonstration of Christ’s superiority (3:1–6)
      2. Exhortation to enter salvation-rest (3:7—4:13)
    3. Christ Is Superior to the Aaronic Priests (4:14—7:28)
      1. Jesus is the great high priest (4:14–16)
      2. Qualifications of a priest (5:1–10)
      3. Exhortation to press on toward maturity (5:11—6:12)
      4. The certainty of God’s promise (6:13–20)
      5. Christ’s superior priestly order (ch. 7)
  3. The Superior Sacrificial Work of Our High Priest (8:1—10:18)
    1. A New Sanctuary and a New Covenant (ch. 8)
    2. The Old Sanctuary (9:1–10)
    3. The Better Sacrifice (9:11—10:18)
  4. A Call to Follow Jesus Faithfully and with Perseverance (10:19—12:29)
    1. Having Confidence to Enter the Sanctuary (10:19–25)
    2. A Warning against Persistence in Sin (10:26–31)
    3. C. Persevering in Faith under Pressure (10:32—12:3)
      1. As in the past, so in the future (10:32–39)
      2. Faith and its many outstanding examples (ch. 11)
      3. Jesus, the supreme example (12:1–3)
    4. Encouragement to Persevere in the Face of Hardship (12:4–13)
    5. Exhortation to Holy Living (12:14–17)
    6. Crowning Motivation and Warning (12:18–29)
  5. Conclusion (ch. 13)
    1. Rules for Christian Living (13:1–17)
    2. Request for Prayer (13:18–19)
    3. Benediction (13:20–21)
    4. Personal Remarks (13:22–23)
    5. Greetings and Final Benediction (13:24–25)