Month: November 2010

Introduction and detailed outline of the Book of Genesis – creation, world history, history of the patriarchs

The original Hebrew title of Genesis is bereshit (BEHR-uh-shith) which means, "in beginning".  This was later translated to Greek and given the title "Genesis", which means beginning or origin, which is the translation we use today. Genesis is the first book in the Pentateuch (PEN-tuh-tyook) and although the author of Genesis is unknown, it is believed

Detailed outline of the book of Deuteronomy – the Covenant stipulations, blessings, curses, leadership

Preamble (1:1–5) Historical Prologue (1:6—4:43) Stipulations of the Covenant (4:44—26:19) The Great Commandment: The Demand for Absolute Allegiance (4:44—11:32) God’s covenant Lordship (4:44—5:33) The principle of consecration (ch. 6) The program for conquering Canaan (ch. 7) A call to commitment in the new land (ch. 8) The lesson of the broken tablets (9:1—10:11) Another

Detailed outline of the Book of Joshua – Entry, conquest, and distribution of the Promise Land

The Entrance into the Land (1:1—5:12) The Exhortations to Conquer (ch. 1) The Reconnaissance of Jericho (ch. 2) The Crossing of the Jordan (chs. 3–4) The Consecration at Gilgal (5:1–12) The Conquest of the Land (5:13—12:24) The Initial Battles (5:13—8:35) The victory at Jericho (5:13—6:27) The failure at Ai because of Achan’s sin (ch.

Detailed outline of the Book of Judges – oppression and deliverance for Israel

Prologue: Incomplete Conquest and Apostasy (1:1—3:6) First Episode: Israel’s Failure to Purge the Land (1:1—2:5) Second Episode: God’s Dealings with Israel’s Rebellion (2:6—3:6) Oppression and Deliverance (3:7—16:31) Othniel Defeats Aram Naharaim (3:7–11) Ehud Defeats Moab (3:12–30) Shamgar (3:31) Deborah Defeats Canaan (chs. 4–5) Gideon Defeats Midian (chs. 6–8) (Abimelech, the anti-judge, ch. 9), Tola

Detailed outline of the Book of Ruth – Ruth, Naomi, Boaz, and the genealogy of David

Introduction: Naomi Emptied (1:1–5) Naomi Returns from Moab (1:6–22) Ruth Clings to Naomi (1:6–18) Ruth and Naomi Return to Bethlehem (1:19–22) Ruth and Boaz Meet in the Harvest Fields (ch. 2) Ruth Begins Work (2:1–7) Boaz Shows Kindness to Ruth (2:8–16) Ruth Returns to Naomi (2:17–23) Naomi Sends Ruth to Boaz’s Threshing Floor (ch.

Detailed outline of 2 Samuel

The Consolidation of Kingship in Israel (2Sa 1–20) David’s Lament over Saul and Jonathan (ch. 1) David Becomes King over Judah (chs. 2–4) David Becomes King over All Israel (5:1–5) David Conquers Jerusalem (5:6–25) David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (ch. 6) God Promises David an Everlasting Dynasty (ch. 7) The Extension of David’s Kingdom (ch. 8) David’s Faithfulness to His Covenant with

Detailed outline of 1 Kings – Era of Solomon, Jeroboam, the Prophet Elijah

The Solomonic Era (1:1—12:24) Solomon’s Succession to the Throne (1:1—2:12) Solomon’s Throne Established (2:13–46) Solomon’s Wisdom (ch. 3) Solomon’s Reign Characterized (ch. 4) Solomon’s Building Projects (5:1—9:9) Preparation for building the temple (ch. 5) Building the temple (ch. 6) Building the palace (7:1–12) The temple furnishings (7:13–51) Dedication of the temple (ch. 8) The
