
The disciples fail to keep watch. Judas leads authorities to Jesus, who is arrested, fulfilling Old Testament prophecy. (Matthew 26:36 – 26:56).

Outline/Summary The Arrest of Jesus After Jesus predicted the disciples would betray him, they all went to a place called Gethsemane. Jesus told them, “Sit here and wait while I go over there and pray.” He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he became troubled and sad. He said to them, “My

Joseph mourns his father’s death, reassures his brothers they are safe, then passes from earth (Genesis 50:1 – 50:26)

Genesis concludes with a narrative describing the burials of Jacob and Joseph and one last interaction between Joseph and his brothers. After Jacob died, Joseph hugged his father and wept over him. At Joseph’s direction, his physicians embalmed Jacob. This took forty days. Then the Egyptians mourned Jacob for seventy days. After the mourning period, Joseph
