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  1. Prologue: Incomplete Conquest and Apostasy (1:1—3:6)
    1. First Episode: Israel’s Failure to Purge the Land (1:1—2:5)
    2. Second Episode: God’s Dealings with Israel’s Rebellion (2:6—3:6)
  2. Oppression and Deliverance (3:7—16:31)
    1. Othniel Defeats Aram Naharaim (3:7–11)
    2. Ehud Defeats Moab (3:12–30)
      1. Shamgar (3:31)
    3. Deborah Defeats Canaan (chs. 4–5)
    4. Gideon Defeats Midian (chs. 6–8)
    5. (Abimelech, the anti-judge, ch. 9),
      1. Tola (10:1–2)
      2. Jair (10:3–5)
    6. Jephthah Defeats Ammon (10:6—12:7)
      1. Ibzan (12:8–10)
      2. Elon (12:11–12)
      3. Abdon (12:13–15)
    7. Samson Checks Philistia (chs. 13–16)
  3. Epilogue: Religious and Moral Disorder (chs. 17–21)
    1. First Episode (chs. 17–18; see 17:6; 18:1)
      1. Micah’s corruption of religion (ch. 17)
      2. The Danites’ departure from their tribal territory (ch. 18)
  4. Second Episode (chs. 19–21; see 19:1; 21:25)
    1. Gibeah’s corruption of morals (ch. 19)
    2. The Benjamites’ near removal from their tribal territory (chs. 20–21)