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- Introduction: Naomi Emptied (1:1–5)
- Naomi Returns from Moab (1:6–22)
- Ruth Clings to Naomi (1:6–18)
- Ruth and Naomi Return to Bethlehem (1:19–22)
- Ruth and Boaz Meet in the Harvest Fields (ch. 2)
- Ruth Begins Work (2:1–7)
- Boaz Shows Kindness to Ruth (2:8–16)
- Ruth Returns to Naomi (2:17–23)
- Naomi Sends Ruth to Boaz’s Threshing Floor (ch. 3)
- Naomi Instructs Ruth (3:1–5)
- Boaz Pledges to Secure Redemption (3:6–15)
- Ruth Returns to Naomi (3:16–18)
- Boaz Arranges to Fulfill His Pledge (4:1–12)
- Boaz Confronts the Unnamed Kinsman (4:1–8)
- Boaz Buys Naomi’s Property and Announces His Marriage to Ruth (4:9–12)
- Conclusion: Naomi Filled (4:13–17)
- Epilogue: Genealogy of David (4:18–22)