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Exodus is the second book in the Pentateuch and although the author of Exodus is unknown, it is believed the same person wrote all five books of the Pentateuch. Jewish and Christian traditions attribute the Pentateuch to Moses who plays a key part in the narrative.  The source of the narrative is unknown too.  It could have been compiled by the author from various sources or passed down verbally through many generations.

  1. Prologue (chs. 1–2)
    1. Israel Blessed and Oppressed (ch. 1)
    2. A Deliverer Prepared (ch. 2)
      1. Infant Moses spared (2:1–10)
      2. Mature Moses’ escape from Egypt (2:11–25)
  2. God’s Deliverance of Israel (chs. 3–18)
    1. The Deliverer Called (ch. 3)
    2. The Deliverer’s Objections and Disqualifications Overcome (ch. 4)
      1. Moses fears being God’s messenger (4:1 – 4:17)
      2. God sends Moses and Aaron back to Egypt (4:18 – 4:31)
    3. Unsuccessful Attempts to Deliver (5:1—6:12)
      1. Oppression made more harsh (5:1–21)
      2. Promise of deliverance renewed (5:22—6:12)
    4. The Deliverers Identified (6:13–27)
    5. Judgment of Plagues on Egypt (6:28—11:10)
      1. Deliverer’s commission renewed (6:28—7:7)
      2. Presenting the signs of divine authority (7:8–13)
      3. First plague: water turned to blood (7:14–24)
      4. Second plague: frogs (7:25—8:15)
      5. Third plague: gnats (8:16–19)
      6. Fourth plague: flies (8:20–32)
      7. Fifth plague: against livestock (9:1–7)
      8. Sixth plague: boils (9:8–12)
      9. Seventh plague: hail (9:13–35)
      10. Eighth plague: locusts (10:1–20)
      11. Ninth plague: darkness (10:21–29)
      12. Tenth plague announced: death of the firstborn (ch. 11)
    6. The Passover (12:1–28)
    7. The Exodus from Egypt (12:29–51)
    8. The Consecration of the Firstborn (13:1–16)
    9. Crossing the “Red Sea” (13:17—15:21)
      1. Deliverance at the “Red Sea” (13:17—14:31)
      2. Song at the sea (15:1–21)
    10. Journey to Sinai (15:22—18:27)
      1. The waters of Marah (15:22–27)
      2. The manna and the quail (ch. 16)
      3. The waters of Meribah (17:1–7)
      4. The war with Amalek (17:8–16)
      5. Basic administrative structure (ch. 18)
  3. Covenant at Sinai (chs. 19–24)
    1. The Covenant Proposed (ch. 19)
    2. The Decalogue (20:1–17)
    3. The Reaction of the People to God’s Fiery Presence (20:18–21)
    4. The Book of the Covenant (20:22—23:33)
      1. Prologue (20:22–26)
      2. Laws on slaves (21:1–11)
      3. Laws on homicide (21:12–17)
      4. Laws on bodily injuries (21:18–32)
      5. Laws on property damage (21:33—22:15)
      6. Laws on society (22:16–31)
      7. Laws on justice and neighborliness (23:1–9)
      8. Laws on sacred seasons (23:10–19)
      9. Epilogue (23:20–33)
    5. Ratification of the Covenant (ch. 24)
  4. God’s Royal Tent in Israel (chs. 25–40)
    1. Instructions concerning the Royal Tent (chs. 25–31)
      1. Collection of the materials (25:1–9)
      2. Furnishings of the tent (25:10–40)
        1. Ark and atonement cover (25:10–22)
        2. Table of the bread of the Presence (25:23–30)
        3. Gold lampstand (25:31–40)
      3. The tent and its courtyard (26:1—27:19)
        1. Curtains and frames (ch. 26)
        2. Altar of burnt offering (27:1–8)
        3. Courtyard (27:9–19)
      4. The tent’s personnel (27:20—29:46)
        1. Priesthood (27:20—28:5)
        2. Garments of the priests (28:6–43)
        3. Ordination of the priests (ch. 29)
      5. Remaining provisions concerning the tent (ch. 30)
        1. Altar of incense (30:1–10)
        2. Census tax (30:11–16)
        3. Bronze basin (30:17–21)
        4. Anointing oil and incense (30:22–38)
      6. Appointment of craftsmen (31:1–11)
      7. Observance of Sabbath rest (31:12–18)
    2. Rebellion Threatens Withdrawal of God (chs. 32–34)
      1. The golden calf (32:1–29)
      2. Moses’ mediation (32:30–35)
      3. Threatened separation and Moses’ prayer (ch. 33)
      4. Renewal of the covenant (ch. 34)
    3. God’s Royal Tent Set Up (chs. 35–40)
      1. Summons to build (35:1–19)
      2. Voluntary gifts (35:20–29)
      3. Bezalel and his craftsmen (35:30—36:7)
      4. Progress of the work (36:8—39:31)
      5. Moses’ blessing (39:32–43)
      6. Erection of God’s royal tent (40:1–33)
      7. Dedication of God’s royal tent (40:34–38)