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There are a multitude or arguments seeking to prove there is a god. The complexity of our great planet, the complicated laws of nature, the intricate DNA encoding in living animals, and the miracles Jesus presented on earth are all offered as proof that God is real. But logically, could there really be a power higher than us that seeded our planet, provided guidance we should live by, and stepped in to influence events when things got out of hand? Logic tells us – yes, God is real – and atheist arguments are illogical.

Philosophical proofs

Philosophy operates under philosophical proofs. A proof is evidence that an argument is true. Philosophy uses philosophical proofs in schemes such as “X has Y therefore Y is Z” in order to prove an argument is true. Like any other science, evidence is needed to prove something is real. Philosophical proofs provide evidence that an argument is true and the concept being proposed is real.

The following are the most common philosophical proofs that there is a god.

Cosmological Argument

The law of causality tells us that every finite thing is caused by something other than itself. The Cosmological Arguments proposes:

  1. The universe had a beginning point.
  2. Anything that has a beginning must have been caused by something other than itself.
  3. Therefore the universe was caused by something else. We call the creator of our universe “god”.

Out universe has a predefined amount of usable energy and that usable energy is decreasing over time. Eventually, that energy will run out and our universe will end. The same knowledge proves the universe had a beginning. Does it make more sense that the universe originated from nothing, an abyss, or that something created it?

Teleological Argument

The Teleological Argument uses the fact that all designs have a designer.

  1. All designs imply a designer.
  2. The universe is not random – there is a mathematical design.
  3. Therefore there must be a designer of the universe. We call the designer of the universe “god”.

Scientists know our universe does not operate by random chance. We see systematic, mathematical designs in everything around us. These mathematical designs imply a purpose. The Teleological Argument tells us that there is a designer of everything around us. Does it make sense that this mathematical purpose originated by chance?

Moral Argument

Morality implies a creator of the rules of morality.

  1. Moral laws imply a moral law creator.
  2. There is a moral law (whether we choose to abide by it or not).
  3. Therefore there is a moral law creator. We call that moral law creator “god”.

Our universe has a moral law. We feel it from birth and build upon it through our development as human beings. Without a moral law, we could feel no difference between Gandhi and Adolf Hitler. The morality we live by implies a creator of those rules. We call the creator of morality laws “god”.

Ontological Argument

The Ontological Argument is one of the most intriguing, and complex, philosophical arguments. It takes several steps to prove but follows sound reason.

  1. The concept of God resides as an idea in our minds.
  2. God is a possible being and might exist in reality. He is possible because the concept of God does not bear internal contradictions.
  3. If something exists exclusively in our understanding and might have existed in reality, then it might have been greater. Something that is only a concept in our minds could be greater by existing.
  4. Suppose that God only exists in our understanding and not in reality.
  5. If true, then it would be possible for God to be greater than he is (see #3).
  6. This would mean that God is a being in which a greater is possible.
  7. This does not make sense because God, a being in which none greater is possible, is a being in which a greater is possible. This is a contradiction.
  8. Thus, it follows that it is false for God to only exist in our understanding.
  9. Hence God exists in reality as well as our understanding.

The atheist arguments against God are illogical

Several philosophical arguments have been used to prove the existence of God but admittedly, there is no physical, solid proof (yet) that there is a god. On the other hand, despite what atheists say, there is no proof that God does *not* exist either.

Atheists demonstrate their ignorance when they flatly state there is no God. For instance, atheists believe it is silly to believe in something that they cannot see or touch while at the same time willingly incorporate several beliefs in things they cannot see or touch (e.g. air, atoms, space, feelings). The simple truth is that atheists choose to *not* believe in God. Their belief is easy to prove as illogical. Here are some common illogical atheist arguments against the existence of God.

God is abstract

Some atheists believe there is no god because the concept of god is abstract.

  1. Atheists do not believe in the concept of God because the concept is abstract.
  2. Atheists believe in mathematics even though the concept is abstract.
  3. Therefore atheists’ beliefs in abstract concepts contradict each other and are illogical.

There is no proof of God

Some atheist believe there is no god because there is no proof of God.

  1. Proof can only exist when there is no doubt
  2. There is always doubt.
  3. Therefore, atheists belief there is no God is illogical.

The concept of God is outdated

Some atheists believe the concept of god is outdated.

  1. Atheists believe the entire universe can be explained by science therefore there is no need for the concept of God.
  2. This discounts two facts (1) there are many unanswered questions about our universe and (2) the concept of God does not contradict science.
  3. Therefore, atheists’ argument that science discounts God is illogical.

Evil means there is no God

Some atheists believe evil in the world means there is no god.

  1. Atheists believe a god that is all-powerful and good would not allow evil, therefore there is no god.
  2. Atheists do not consider our religion proposes (1) the concept of an opposing evil force (2) God gave mankind freewill and the choice between good and evil.
  3. Therefore, atheists’ argument that there is no God because there is evil in the world is illogical.

Religion is a crutch

Some atheists believe religion (and God) are a crutch.

  1. Atheists believe that belief in God is a psychological crutch to ease our fears of death, give our lives purpose, etc.
  2. Our religion (1) never says Christianity provides an easy, carefree existence and (2) in many cases operates under the threat of death in some societies and historical timeframes.
  3. Therefore, atheists’ argument that God is a crutch is illogical.


Faith that there is a god is an inherent part of our religion. It solidifies our moral framework and cements our understanding of mankind’s future. Ultimately, the real proof lies in the inner feelings we have when we think about God, speak to him, and worship him.

If this does not answer your question about the existence of God, read about what happens to civilizations that denounce their religious beliefs and attempt to survive without religion.
