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  1. Title (1:1)
  2. Introduction: God’s Faithful Covenant Love for Israel Affirmed (1:2–5)
  3. Israel’s Unfaithfulness Rebuked (1:6—2:16)
    1. The Unfaithfulness of the Priests (1:6—2:9)
      1. They dishonor God in their sacrifices (1:6–14)
      2. They do not faithfully teach the law (2:1–9)
    2. The Unfaithfulness of the People (2:10–16)
  4. The Lord’s Coming Announced (2:17—4:6)
    1. The Lord Will Come to Purify the Priests and Judge the People (2:17—3:5)
    2. A Call to Repentance in View of the Lord’s Coming (3:6–18)
      1. An exhortation to faithful giving (3:6–12)
      2. An exhortation to faithful service (3:13–18)
    3. The Day of the Lord Announced (ch. 4)