Judges (book of)

Detailed outline of the Book of Judges – oppression and deliverance for Israel

Prologue: Incomplete Conquest and Apostasy (1:1—3:6) First Episode: Israel’s Failure to Purge the Land (1:1—2:5) Second Episode: God’s Dealings with Israel’s Rebellion (2:6—3:6) Oppression and Deliverance (3:7—16:31) Othniel Defeats Aram Naharaim (3:7–11) Ehud Defeats Moab (3:12–30) Shamgar (3:31) Deborah Defeats Canaan (chs. 4–5) Gideon Defeats Midian (chs. 6–8) (Abimelech, the anti-judge, ch. 9), Tola


Judges Judah Takes the Lead 1:1 After Joshua died, the Israelites asked the LORD, “Who should lead the invasion against the Canaanites and launch the attack?” 1:2 The LORD said, “The men of Judah should take the lead. Be sure of this! I am handing the land over to them.” 1:3 The men of Judah said to

Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible – Judges – Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset, and David Brown

THE BOOK OF JUDGES. Commentary by Robert Jamieson   CHAPTER 1 Jud 1:1-3. The Acts of Judah and Simeon. 1. Now after the death of Joshua--probably not a long period, for the Canaanites seem to have taken advantage of that event to attempt recovering their lost position, and the Israelites were obliged to renew the war. the children of Israel
