ancient text

Gospel of Jesus’s Wife – ancient papyrus fragment proven to be forgery

Within the study of Christianity, forged and faked ancient documents proclaiming a new shocking, revelation are nothing new. But recent news offering substantial evidence that the often-talked-about Gospel of Jesus’s Wife is a forgery – well, it breaks new ground – particularly since its authenticity was supported by Harvard University and promoted on the Smithsonian

Ignatius to the Smyrneans

Note: It is important to recognize that the ancient texts published on Bible Blender are NOT canonical biblical texts and are published solely for educational purposes.  In many cases the texts may be corrupt, inaccurate, or complete forgeries.  You should understand that in some instances, the texts were not created to *assist* Christians but rather

Ignatius to Polycarp

Note: It is important to recognize that the ancient texts published on Bible Blender are NOT canonical biblical texts and are published solely for educational purposes.  In many cases the texts may be corrupt, inaccurate, or complete forgeries.  You should understand that in some instances, the texts were not created to *assist* Christians but rather
