President Donald J. Trump addresses his remarks Thursday, Feb. 6, 2020 in the East Room of the White House

The political turmoil caused by Donald Trump’s U.S. presidential election victory continues to elicit a variety of reactions from leaders and organizations within evangelical circles. Most, however, appear to be taking the high road this time around. The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) released a statement urging all Americans to join evangelicals in praying for Trump, Vice President-elect J.D. Vance, and all candidates selected by voters for Congress, state, and local positions.

As the election concludes, the NAE publicly expressed gratitude to officials and workers who have been diligently administering the American electoral systems, even in the face of security threats within the current difficult political climate. 

“Elections inevitably produce winners and losers. We pray for God’s guidance and blessing on those who have won, that they will be good stewards of the responsibilities entrusted to them, and that they will listen and speak to all Americans, including those who feel left out or unheard.”

As some voters share their disappointment regarding the results, the NAE also implored them to express feelings peacefully, “looking to create connections of understanding instead of stoking the flames of division.”

“As evangelical Christians we pray for all our leaders, whether they received our votes or not. With the prophet Jeremiah, we pray for the peace and prosperity of the nation in which we live (Jeremiah 29:7).”

NAE spoke about Christian mandates and appropriate responses to Trump’s win.

“We seek to live at peace with our neighbors, to speak truth to those in power, to care for those in need, to protect the vulnerable and to love all people made in God’s image, including those with whom we may have profoundly different perspectives.”

Image Credits:
• President Donald J. Trump addresses his remarks Thursday, Feb. 6, 2020 in the East Room of the White House via Wikipedia Commons by The White House with usage type - Public Domain

Featured Image Credit:
• President Donald J. Trump addresses his remarks Thursday, Feb. 6, 2020 in the East Room of the White House via Wikipedia Commons by The White House with usage type - Public Domain
