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GOD TV signed a major deal with Israeli cable television provider, HOT, to host a new Hebrew language Christian channel. The channel began airing in April. Ward Simpson, CEO of God TV announced the opening with glee,

God has supernaturally opened the door for us to take the gospel of Jesus into the homes, and lives and hearts of his Jewish people.

Israel has laws forbidding preaching to a person under the age of 18 without consent from their parent. It’s rules against converting others from Judaism are less formal.

Israel’s Communications minister, David Amsalem, threatened last week to shutter the channel if he found it broke proselytising rules.

We won’t allow any missionary channel to operate in the state of Israel, not at any time and not under any circumstances.

Israeli’s Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Council also threatened the new channel saying it would close down the broadcaster if they played “content that has the potential to influence viewers in an undue fashion.”
