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- First Message: The Call to Rebuild the Temple (1:1–11)
- The People’s Lame Excuse (1:1–4)
- The Poverty of the People (1:5–6)
- The Reason God Has Cursed Them (1:7–11)
- The Response of Zerubbabel and the People (1:12–15)
- The Leaders and Remnant Obey (1:12)
- The Lord Strengthens the Workers (1:13–15)
- Second Message: The Temple to Be Filled with Glory (2:1–9)
- The People Encouraged (2:1–5)
- The Promise of Glory and Peace (2:6–9)
- Third Message: A Defiled People Purified and Blessed (2:10–19)
- The Rapid Spread of Sin (2:10–14)
- Poor Harvests because of Disobedience (2:15–17)
- Blessing to Come as the Temple Is Rebuilt (2:18–19)
- Fourth Message: The Promise to Zerubbabel (2:20–23)
- The Judgment of the Nations (2:20–22)
- The Significance of Zerubbabel (2:23)