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  1. The Beginnings of Jesus’ Ministry (1:1–13)
    1. His Forerunner (1:1–8)
    2. His Baptism (1:9–11)
    3. His Temptation (1:12–13)
  2. Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee (1:14—6:29)
    1. Early Galilean Ministry (1:14—3:12)
      1. Call of the first disciples (1:14–20)
      2. Miracles in Capernaum (1:21–34)
      3. Preaching and healing in Galilee (1:35–45)
      4. Ministry in Capernaum (2:1–22)
      5. Sabbath controversy (2:23—3:12)
    2. Later Galilean Ministry (3:13—6:29)
      1. Choosing the 12 apostles (3:13–19)
      2. Teachings in Capernaum (3:20–35)
      3. Parables of the kingdom (4:1–34)
      4. Calming the Sea of Galilee (4:35–41)
      5. Healing a demon-possessed man (5:1–20)
      6. More Galilean miracles (5:21–43)
      7. Unbelief in Jesus’ hometown (6:1–6)
      8. Six apostolic teams preach and heal in Galilee (6:7–13)
      9. King Herod’s reaction to Jesus’ ministry (6:14–29)
  3. Strategic Withdrawals from Galilee (6:30—9:29)
    1. To the Eastern Shore of the Sea of Galilee (6:30–52)
    2. To the Western Shore of the Sea (6:53—7:23)
    3. To Syrian Phoenicia (7:24–30)
    4. To the Region of the Decapolis (7:31—8:10)
    5. To the Vicinity of Caesarea Philippi (8:11–30)
    6. To the Mount of Transfiguration (8:31—9:29)
  4. Final Ministry in Galilee (9:30–50)
  5. Jesus’ Ministry in Judea and Perea (ch. 10)
    1. Teaching concerning Divorce (10:1–12)
    2. Teaching concerning Children (10:13–16)
    3. The Rich Young Man (10:17–31)
    4. A Request of Two Brothers (10:32–45)
    5. Restoration of Bartimaeus’s Sight (10:46–52)
  6. The Passion of Jesus (chs. 11–15)
    1. The Triumphal Entry (11:1–11)
    2. The Clearing of the Temple (11:12–19)
    3. Concluding Controversies with Jewish Leaders (11:20—12:44)
    4. Signs of the End of the Age (ch. 13)
    5. The Anointing of Jesus (14:1–11)
    6. The Lord’s Supper (14:12–26)
    7. The Arrest, Trial and Death of Jesus (14:27—15:47)
  7. The Resurrection of Jesus (ch. 16)