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  1. The Preface (1:1–4)
  2. The Births of John the Baptist and Jesus (1:5—2:52)
    1. The Annunciations (1:5–56)
    2. The Birth of John the Baptist (1:57–80)
    3. The Birth and Childhood of Jesus (ch. 2)
  3. The Preparation of Jesus for His Public Ministry (3:1—4:13)
    1. His Forerunner (3:1–20)
    2. His Baptism (3:21–22)
    3. His Genealogy (3:23–38)
    4. His Temptation (4:1–13)
  4. His Ministry in Galilee (4:14—9:9)
    1. The Beginning of the Ministry in Galilee (4:14–41)
    2. The First Tour of Galilee (4:42—5:39)
    3. A Sabbath Controversy (6:1–11)
    4. The Choice of the 12 Apostles (6:12–16)
    5. The Sermon on the Plain (6:17–49)
    6. Miracles in Capernaum and Nain (7:1–18)
    7. The Inquiry of John the Baptist (7:19–29)
    8. Jesus and the Pharisees (7:30–50)
    9. The Second Tour of Galilee (8:1–3)
    10. The Parables of the Kingdom (8:4–21)
    11. The Trip across the Sea of Galilee (8:22–39)
    12. The Third Tour of Galilee (8:40—9:9)
  5. His Withdrawal to Regions around Galilee (9:10–50)
    1. To the Eastern Shore of the Sea of Galilee (9:10–17)
    2. To Caesarea Philippi (9:18–50)
  6. His Ministry in Judea (9:51—13:21)
    1. Journey through Samaria to Judea (9:51–62)
    2. The Mission of the 72 (10:1–24)
    3. The Lawyer and the Parable of the Good Samaritan (10:25–37)
    4. Jesus at Bethany with Mary and Martha (10:38–42)
    5. Teachings in Judea (11:1—13:21)
  7. His Ministry in and around Perea (13:22—19:27)
    1. The Narrow Door (13:22–30)
    2. Warning concerning Herod (13:31–35)
    3. At a Pharisee’s House (14:1–23)
    4. The Cost of Discipleship (14:24–35)
    5. The Parables of the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin and the Lost Son (ch. 15)
    6. The Parable of the Shrewd Manager (16:1–18)
    7. The Rich Man and Lazarus (16:19–31)
    8. Miscellaneous Teachings (17:1–10)
    9. Ten Healed of Leprosy (17:11–19)
    10. The Coming of the Kingdom (17:20–37)
    11. The Persistent Widow (18:1–8)
    12. The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (18:9–14)
    13. Jesus and the Children (18:15–17)
    14. The Rich Young Ruler (18:18–30)
    15. Christ Foretells His Death (18:31–34)
    16. A Blind Beggar Given His Sight (18:35–43)
    17. Jesus and Zacchaeus (19:1–10)
    18. The Parable of the Ten Minas (19:11–27)
  8. His Last Days: Sacrifice and Triumph (19:28—24:53)
    1. The Triumphal Entry (19:28–44)
    2. The Cleansing of the Temple (19:45–48)
    3. The Last Controversies with the Jewish Leaders (ch. 20)
    4. The Olivet Discourse (ch. 21)
    5. The Last Supper (22:1–38)
    6. Jesus Praying in Gethsemane (22:39–46)
    7. Jesus’ Arrest (22:47–65)
    8. Jesus on Trial (22:66—23:25)
    9. The Crucifixion (23:26–56)
    10. The Resurrection (24:1–12)
    11. The Post-Resurrection Ministry (24:13–49)
    12. The Ascension (24:50–53)