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- Greetings (1–2)
- Occasion for the Letter (3–4)
- The Change of Subject (3)
- The Reason for the Change: The Presence of Godless Apostates (4)
- Warning against the False Teachers (5–16)
- Historical Examples of the Judgment of Apostates (5–7)
- Unbelieving Israel (5)
- Angels who fell (6)
- Sodom and Gomorrah (7)
- Description of the Apostates of Jude’s Day (8–16)
- Their slanderous speech deplored (8–10)
- Their character graphically portrayed (11–13)
- Their destruction prophesied (14–16)
- Exhortation to Believers (17–23)
- Concluding Doxology (24–25)