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  1. Introduction (1:1–9)
  2. Divisions in the Church (1:10—4:21)
    1. The Fact of the Divisions (1:10–17)
    2. The Causes of the Divisions (1:18—4:13)
      1. A wrong conception of the Christian message (1:18—3:4)
      2. A wrong conception of Christian ministry and ministers (3:5—4:5)
      3. A wrong conception of the Christian (4:6–13)
    3. The Exhortation to End the Divisions (4:14–21)
  3. Moral and Ethical Disorders in the Life of the Church (chs. 5–6)
    1. Laxity in Church Discipline (ch. 5)
    2. Lawsuits before Non-Christian Judges (6:1–11)
    3. Sexual Immorality (6:12–20)
  4. Instruction on Marriage (ch. 7)
    1. General Principles (7:1–7)
    2. The Problems of the Married (7:8–24)
    3. The Problems of the Unmarried (7:25–40)
  5. Instruction on Questionable Practices (8:1—11:1)
    1. The Principles Involved (ch. 8)
    2. The Principles Illustrated (ch. 9)
    3. A Warning from the History of Israel (10:1–22)
    4. The Principles Applied (10:23—11:1)
  6. Instruction on Public Worship (11:2—14:40)
    1. Propriety in Worship (11:2–16)
    2. The Lord’s Supper (11:17–34)
    3. Spiritual Gifts (chs. 12–14)
      1. The test of the gifts (12:1–3)
      2. The unity of the gifts (12:4–11)
      3. The diversity of the gifts (12:12–31a)
      4. The necessity of exercising the gifts in love (12:31b—13:13)
      5. The superiority of prophecy over tongues (14:1–25)
      6. Rules governing public worship (14:26–40)
  7. Instruction on the Resurrection (ch. 15)
    1. The Certainty of the Resurrection (15:1–34)
    2. The Consideration of Certain Objections (15:35–57)
    3. The Concluding Appeal (15:58)
  8. Conclusion: Practical and Personal Matters (ch. 16)