Month: December 2017

The collected writings of T. Justin Martyr – first century philosopher and early Christian Apologist (part 1 of 2)

Introduction to Justin Martyr Justin Martyr, also known as Saint Justin, was an early Christian apologist.  Originally a professional philosopher, Justin converted to Christianity about 130 AD after witnessing Christians die for their faith.  He learned about Christianity from “an old Christian man” who told him of a “true philosophy” to live life by.  After Old

The collected writings of T. Justin Martyr – first century philosopher and early Christian Apologist (part 2 of 2)

Introduction to Justin Martyr Justin Martyr, also known as Saint Justin, was an early Christian apologist.  Originally a professional philosopher, Justin converted to Christianity about 130 AD after witnessing Christians die for their faith.  He learned about Christianity from “an old Christian man” who told him of a “true philosophy” to live life by.  After Old

The Apocalypse of Thomas (ancient apocryphal texts)

Introduction The Apocalypse of Thomas is a work from the New Testament apocrypha, apparently composed originally in Greek. It is the inspiration for the popular medieval millennial list Fifteen Signs before Doomsday. The text was written in Greek between the second and the fourth century. There are two recensions of the text, the second one of which containing an interpolation apparently written in the fifth century.
