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- Introduction (1:1–6)
- The Date and the Author’s Name (1:1)
- A Call to Repentance (1:2–6)
- A Series of Eight Visions in One Night (1:7—6:8)
- The Horseman among the Myrtle Trees (1:7–17)
- The Four Horns and the Four Craftsmen (1:18–21)
- A Man with a Measuring Line (ch. 2)
- Clean Garments for the High Priest (ch. 3)
- The Gold Lampstand and the Two Olive Trees (ch. 4)
- The Flying Scroll (5:1–4)
- The Woman in a Basket (5:5–11)
- The Four Chariots (6:1–8)
- The Symbolic Crowning of Joshua the High Priest (6:9–15)
- The Problem of Fasting and the Promise of the Future (chs. 7–8)
- The Question by the Delegation from Bethel (7:1–3)
- The Rebuke by the Lord (7:4–7)
- The Command to Repent (7:8–14)
- The Restoration of Israel to God’s Favor (8:1–17)
- Kingdom Joy and Jewish Favor (8:18–23)
- Two Prophetic Oracles: The Great Messianic Future and the Full Realization of God’s Kingdom (chs. 9–14)
- The First Oracle: The Coming and Rejection of the Messiah (chs. 9–11)
- The coming of the Messianic King (chs. 9–10)
- The destruction of surrounding nations but the preservation of Zion (9:1–8)
- The coming of Zion’s King (9:9–10)
- The deliverance and blessing of Zion’s people (9:11—10:1)
- The leaders warned and the people encouraged (10:2–4)
- Israel’s victory and restoration (10:5–12)
- The rejection of the Messianic Shepherd-King (ch. 11)
- The prologue (11:1–3)
- The rejection of the Good Shepherd (11:4–14)
- The rise and fall of the worthless shepherd (11:15–17)
- The Second Oracle: The Coming and Reception of the Messiah (chs. 12–14)
- The deliverance and conversion of Israel (chs. 12–13)
- The siege of Jerusalem (12:1–3)
- The divine deliverance (12:4–9)
- Israel completely delivered from sin (12:10—13:9)
- The Messiah’s coming and his kingdom (ch. 14)
- The siege of Jerusalem (14:1–2)
- The Messiah’s return and its effects (14:3–8)
- The establishment of the Messianic kingdom (14:9–11)
- The punishment of Israel’s enemies (14:12–15)
- The universal worship of the holy King (14:16–21)