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- Prologue: Purpose and Theme (1:1–7)
- The Superiority of the Way of Wisdom (1:8—9:18)
- Appeals and Warnings Confronting Youth (1:8–33)
- Enticements to secure happiness by violence (1:8–19)
- Warnings against rejecting wisdom (1:20–33)
- Commendation of Wisdom (chs. 2–4)
- Benefits of accepting wisdom’s instructions (ch. 2)
- Wisdom bestows well-being (3:1–20)
- Wisdom’s instructions and benefits (3:21–35)
- Challenge to hold on to wisdom (ch. 4)
- Warnings against Folly (chs. 5–7)
- Warning against adultery (ch. 5)
- Warning against perverse ways (6:1–19)
- Cost of committing adultery (6:20–35)
- Warning against the enticements of an adulteress (ch. 7)
- Appeals Addressed to Youth (chs. 8–9)
- Wisdom’s appeal (ch. 8)
- Invitations of wisdom and folly (ch. 9)
- The Main Collection of Solomon’s Proverbs (10:1—22:16)
- The Thirty Sayings of the Wise (22:17—24:22)
- Additional Sayings of the Wise (24:23–34)
- Hezekiah’s Collection of Solomon’s Proverbs (chs. 25–29)
- The Sayings of Agur (ch. 30)
- The Sayings of King Lemuel (31:1–9)
- Epilogue: The Ideal Wife (31:10–31)