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  1. Prologue (chs. 1–2)
    1. Job’s Happiness (1:1–5)
    2. Job’s Testing (1:6—2:13)
      1. Satan’s first accusation (1:6–12)
      2. Job’s faith despite loss of family and property (1:13–22)
      3. Satan’s second accusation (2:1–6)
      4. Job’s faith during personal suffering (2:7–10)
      5. The coming of the three friends (2:11–13)
  2. Dialogue-Dispute (chs. 3–27)
    1. Job’s Opening Lament (ch. 3)
    2. First Cycle of Speeches (chs. 4–14)
      1. Eliphaz (chs. 4–5)
      2. Job’s reply (chs. 6–7)
      3. Bildad (ch. 8)
      4. Job’s reply (chs. 9–10)
      5. Zophar (ch. 11)
      6. Job’s reply (chs. 12–14)
    3. Second Cycle of Speeches (chs. 15–21)
      1. Eliphaz (ch. 15)
      2. Job’s reply (chs. 16–17)
      3. Bildad (ch. 18)
      4. Job’s reply (ch. 19)
      5. Zophar (ch. 20)
      6. Job’s reply (ch. 21)
    4. Third Cycle of Speeches (chs. 22–26)
      1. Eliphaz (ch. 22)
      2. Job’s reply (chs. 23–24)
      3. Bildad (ch. 25)
      4. Job’s reply (ch. 26)
    5. Job’s Closing Discourse (ch. 27)
  3. Interlude on Wisdom (ch. 28)
  4. Monologues (29:1—42:6)
    1. Job’s Call for Vindication (chs. 29–31)
      1. His past honor and blessing (ch. 29)
      2. His present dishonor and suffering (ch. 30)
      3. His protestations of innocence and final oath (ch. 31)
    2. Elihu’s Speeches (chs. 32–37)
    3. Introduction (32:1–5)
    4. The speeches themselves (32:6—37:24)
      1. First speech (32:6—33:33)
      2. Second speech (ch. 34)
      3. Third speech (ch. 35)
      4. Fourth speech (chs. 36–37)
    5. Divine Discourses (38:1—42:6)
      1. God’s first discourse (38:1—40:2)
      2. Job’s response (40:3–5)
      3. God’s second discourse (40:6—41:34)
      4. Job’s repentance (42:1–6)
  5. Epilogue (42:7–17)
    1. God’s Verdict (42:7–9)
    2. Job’s Restoration (42:10–17)