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- Prologue (chs. 1–2)
- Job’s Happiness (1:1–5)
- Job’s Testing (1:6—2:13)
- Satan’s first accusation (1:6–12)
- Job’s faith despite loss of family and property (1:13–22)
- Satan’s second accusation (2:1–6)
- Job’s faith during personal suffering (2:7–10)
- The coming of the three friends (2:11–13)
- Dialogue-Dispute (chs. 3–27)
- Job’s Opening Lament (ch. 3)
- First Cycle of Speeches (chs. 4–14)
- Eliphaz (chs. 4–5)
- Job’s reply (chs. 6–7)
- Bildad (ch. 8)
- Job’s reply (chs. 9–10)
- Zophar (ch. 11)
- Job’s reply (chs. 12–14)
- Second Cycle of Speeches (chs. 15–21)
- Eliphaz (ch. 15)
- Job’s reply (chs. 16–17)
- Bildad (ch. 18)
- Job’s reply (ch. 19)
- Zophar (ch. 20)
- Job’s reply (ch. 21)
- Third Cycle of Speeches (chs. 22–26)
- Eliphaz (ch. 22)
- Job’s reply (chs. 23–24)
- Bildad (ch. 25)
- Job’s reply (ch. 26)
- Job’s Closing Discourse (ch. 27)
- Interlude on Wisdom (ch. 28)
- Monologues (29:1—42:6)
- Job’s Call for Vindication (chs. 29–31)
- His past honor and blessing (ch. 29)
- His present dishonor and suffering (ch. 30)
- His protestations of innocence and final oath (ch. 31)
- Elihu’s Speeches (chs. 32–37)
- Introduction (32:1–5)
- The speeches themselves (32:6—37:24)
- First speech (32:6—33:33)
- Second speech (ch. 34)
- Third speech (ch. 35)
- Fourth speech (chs. 36–37)
- Divine Discourses (38:1—42:6)
- God’s first discourse (38:1—40:2)
- Job’s response (40:3–5)
- God’s second discourse (40:6—41:34)
- Job’s repentance (42:1–6)
- Epilogue (42:7–17)
- God’s Verdict (42:7–9)
- Job’s Restoration (42:10–17)