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  1. Messages of Rebuke and Promise (chs. 1–6)
    1. Introduction: Charges against Judah for Breaking the Covenant (ch. 1)
    2. The Future Discipline and Glory of Judah and Jerusalem (chs. 2–4)
      1. Jerusalem’s future blessings (2:1–5)
      2. The Lord’s discipline of Judah (2:6—4:1)
      3. The restoration of Zion (4:2–6)
    3. The Nation’s Judgment and Exile (ch. 5)
    4. Isaiah’s Unique Commission (ch. 6)
  2. Prophecies Occasioned by the Aramean and Israelite Threat against Judah (chs. 7–12)
    1. Ahaz Warned Not to Fear the Aramean and Israelite Alliance (ch. 7)
    2. Isaiah’s Son and David’s Son (8:1—9:7)
    3. Judgment against Israel (9:8—10:4)
    4. The Assyrian Empire and the Davidic Kingdom (10:5—12:6)
      1. The destruction of Assyria (10:5–34)
      2. The establishment of the Davidic king and his kingdom (ch. 11)
      3. Songs of joy for deliverance (ch. 12)
  3. Judgment against the Nations (chs. 13–23)
    1. Against Assyria and Its Ruler (13:1—14:27)
    2. Against Philistia (14:28–32)
    3. Against Moab (chs. 15–16)
    4. Against Aram and Israel (ch. 17)
    5. Against Cush (ch. 18)
    6. Against Egypt and Cush (chs. 19–20)
    7. Against Babylon (21:1–10)
    8. Against Dumah (Edom) (21:11–12)
    9. Against Arabia (21:13–17)
    10. Against the Valley of Vision (Jerusalem) (ch. 22)
    11. Against Tyre (ch. 23)
  4. Judgment and Promise (the Lord’s Kingdom) (chs. 24–27)
    1. Universal Judgments for Universal Sin (ch. 24)
    2. Deliverance and Blessing (ch. 25)
    3. Praise for the Lord’s Sovereign Care (ch. 26)
    4. Israel’s Enemies Punished but Israel’s Remnant Restored (ch. 27)
  5. Six Woes: Five on the Unfaithful in Israel and One on Assyria (chs. 28–33)
    1. Woe to Ephraim (Samaria)—and to Judah (ch. 28)
    2. Woe to David’s City, Jerusalem (29:1–14)
    3. Woe to Those Who Rely on Foreign Alliances (29:15–24)
    4. Woe to the Obstinate Nation (ch. 30)
    5. Woe to Those Who Rely on Egypt (chs. 31–32)
    6. Woe to Assyria—but Blessing for God’s People (ch. 33)
  6. More Prophecies of Judgment and Promise (chs. 34–35)
    1. The Destruction of the Nations and the Avenging of God’s People (ch. 34)
    2. The Future Blessings of Restored Zion (ch. 35)
  7. A Historical Transition from the Assyrian Threat to the Babylonian Exile (chs. 36–39)
    1. Jerusalem Preserved from the Assyrian Threat (chs. 36–37)
      1. The siege of Jerusalem by Sennacherib and the Assyrian army (ch. 36)
      2. The Lord’s deliverance of Jerusalem (ch. 37)
    2. The Lord’s Extension of Hezekiah’s Life (ch. 38)
    3. The Babylonian Exile Predicted (ch. 39)
  8. The Deliverance and Restoration of Israel (chs. 40–48)
    1. The Coming of the Victorious God (40:1–26)
    2. Unfailing Strength for the Weary Exiles (40:27–31)
    3. The Lord of History (41:1—42:9)
    4. Praise and Exhortation (42:10–25)
    5. The Regathering and Renewal of Israel (43:1—44:5)
    6. The Only God (44:6—45:25)
    7. The Lord’s Superiority over Babylon’s Gods (ch. 46)
    8. The Fall of Babylon (ch. 47)
    9. The Lord’s Exhortations to His People (ch. 48)
  9. The Servant’s Ministry and Israel’s Restoration (chs. 49–57)
    1. The Call and Mission of the Servant (49:1–13)
    2. The Repopulation of Zion (49:14–26)
    3. Israel’s Sin and the Servant’s Obedience (ch. 50)
    4. The Remnant Comforted Because of Their Glorious Prospect (51:1—52:12)
    5. The Sufferings and Glories of the Lord’s Righteous Servant (52:13—53:12)
    6. The Future Glory of Zion (ch. 54)
    7. The Lord’s Call to Salvation and Covenant Blessings (55:1—56:8)
    8. The Condemnation of the Wicked in Israel (56:9—57:21)
  10. Everlasting Deliverance and Everlasting Judgment (chs. 58–66)
    1. False and True Worship (ch. 58)
    2. Zion’s Confession and Redemption (ch. 59)
    3. Zion’s Peace and Prosperity (ch. 60)
    4. The Lord’s Favor (ch. 61)
    5. Zion’s Restoration and Glory (62:1—63:6)
    6. Prayer for Divine Deliverance (63:7—64:12)
    7. The Lord’s Answer: Mercy and Judgment (ch. 65)
    8. Judgment for False Worshipers and Blessing for True Worshipers (ch. 66)