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  1. Introduction (1:1–15)
  2. Theme: Righteousness fro4m God (1:16–17)
  3. The Unrighteousness of All People (1:18—3:20)
    1. Gentiles (1:18–32)
    2. Jews (2:1—3:8)
    3. Summary: All People (3:9–20)
  4. Righteousness Imputed: Justification (3:21—5:21)
    1. Through Christ (3:21–26)
    2. Received by Faith (3:27—4:25)
      1. The principle established (3:27–31)
      2. The principle illustrated (ch. 4)
    3. The Fruits of Righteousness (5:1–11)
    4. Summary: Humanity’s Unrighteousness Contrasted with God’s Gift of Righteousness (5:12–21)
  5. Righteousness Imparted: Sanctification (chs. 6–8)
    1. Freedom from Sin’s Tyranny (ch. 6)
    2. Freedom from the Law’s Condemnation (ch. 7)
    3. Life in the Power of the Holy Spirit (ch. 8)
  6. God’s Righteousness Vindicated: The Justice of His Way with Israel (chs. 9–11)
    1. The Justice of God’s Rejection of Israel (9:1–29)
    2. The Cause of That Rejection (9:30—10:21)
    3. The Rejection Is Neither Complete nor Final (ch. 11)
      1. There is even now a remnant (11:1–10)
      2. The rejection is only temporary (11:11–24)
      3. God’s ultimate purpose is mercy (11:25–36)
  7. Righteousness Practiced (12:1—15:13)
    1. In the Body—the Church (ch. 12)
    2. In the World (ch. 13)
    3. Among Weak and Strong Christians (14:1—15:13)
  8. Conclusion (15:14–33)
  9. Commendation, Greetings and Doxology (ch. 16)