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  1. Prologue: The Word Became Flesh (1:1–18)
  2. The Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry (1:19–51)
    1. John the Baptist’s Testimony about Jesus (1:19–34)
    2. John’s Disciples Follow Jesus (1:35–42)
    3. Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael (1:43–51)
  3. Jesus’ Public Ministry: Signs and Discourses (chs. 2–11)
    1. Changing Water into Wine (2:1–11)
    2. Cleansing the Temple (2:12–25)
    3. Jesus Teaches Nicodemus (3:1–21)
    4. John the Baptist’s Final Testimony about Jesus (3:22–36)
    5. Jesus and the Samaritans (4:1–42)
    6. Healing of the Official’s Son (4:43–54)
    7. Jesus’ Visit to Jerusalem at an Annual Feast (ch. 5)
    8. Feeding the 5,000 and Jesus’ Claim to Be the Bread of Life (ch. 6)
    9. Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles and Disputes over Who He Is (chs. 7–8)
    10. Healing of the Man Born Blind (ch. 9)
    11. Jesus is the Good Shepherd (10:1–21)
    12. Conflict at the Feast of Dedication over Jesus’ Identity (10:22–42)
    13. The Raising of Lazarus (ch. 11)
  4. The Passion Week (chs. 12–19)
    1. The Anointing of Jesus’ Feet (12:1–11)
    2. Jesus’ Entry into Jerusalem as King (12:12–19)
    3. Jesus Predicts His Death (12:20–36)
    4. Belief and Unbelief among the Jews (12:37–50)
    5. Jesus’ Farewell Discourses and Prayer (chs. 13–17)
      1. At the Last Supper (chs. 13–14)
        1. Jesus washes the disciples’ feet (13:1–17)
        2. Jesus predicts his betrayal (13:18–30)
        3. Jesus predicts Peter’s denial (13:31–38)
        4. Jesus comforts his disciples (14:1–4)
        5. Jesus is the way to the Father (14:5–14)
        6. Jesus promises the Holy Spirit (14:15–30)
      2. On the way to Gethsemane (chs. 15–16)
        1. The vine and the branches (15:1–17)
        2. The world hates the disciples (15:18–25)
        3. The work of the Holy Spirit (15:26—16:15)
        4. The disciples’ grief will turn to joy (16:16–33)
      3. Jesus’ prayer (ch. 17)
        1. For himself—that he be glorified (17:1–5)
        2. For his disciples (17:6–19)
        3. For all believers (17:20–26)
    6. Jesus’ Betrayal and Arrest (18:1–11)
    7. Jesus’ Trials before Jewish and Roman Officials (18:12–40)
    8. Jesus’ Crucifixion (19:1–27)
    9. Jesus’ Death and Burial (19:28–42)
  5. Jesus’ Resurrection (20:1–29)
  6. Statement of the Gospel’s Purpose (20:30–31)
  7. Epilogue: Jesus’ Recommissioning of the Disciples (ch. 21)