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  1. Introduction (1:1–10)
    1. Greetings (1:1–5)
    2. Denunciation (1:6–10)
  2. Personal: Authentication of the Apostle of Liberty and Faith (1:11—2:21)
    1. Paul’s Gospel Was Received by Special Revelation (1:11–12)
    2. Paul’s Gospel Was Independent of the Jerusalem Apostles and the Judean Churches (1:13—2:21)
      1. Evidenced by his early activities as a Christian (1:13–17)
      2. Evidenced by his first post-Christian visit to Jerusalem (1:18–24)
      3. Evidenced by his second post-Christian visit to Jerusalem (2:1–10)
      4. Evidenced by his rebuke of Peter at Antioch (2:11–21)
  3. Doctrinal: Justification of the Doctrine of Liberty and Faith (chs. 3–4)
    1. The Galatians’ Experience of the Gospel (3:1–5)
    2. The Experience of Abraham (3:6–9)
    3. The Curse of the Law (3:10–14)
    4. The Priority of the Promise (3:15–18)
    5. The Purpose of the Law (3:19–25)
    6. Sons, Not Slaves (3:26—4:7)
    7. The Danger of Turning Back (4:8–11)
    8. Appeal to Embrace the Freedom of God’s Children (4:12–20)
    9. God’s Children Are Children of the Free Woman (4:21–31)
  4. Practical: Practice of the Life of Liberty and Faith (5:1—6:10)
    1. Exhortation to Freedom (5:1–12)
    2. Life by the Spirit, Not by the Flesh (5:13–26)
    3. Call for Mutual Help (6:1–10)
  5. Conclusion and Benediction (6:11–18)