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  1. Peter and the Beginnings of the Church in the Holy Land (chs. 1–12)
    1. “Throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria” (1:1—9:31; see 9:31 and note)
      1. Introduction (1:1–2)
      2. Christ’s resurrection ministry (1:3–11)
      3. The period of waiting for the Holy Spirit (1:12–26)
      4. The filling with the Spirit (ch. 2)
      5. The healing of the lame man and the resultant arrest of Peter and John (3:1—4:31)
      6. The community of goods (4:32—5:11)
      7. The arrest of the 12 apostles (5:12–42)
      8. The choice of the Seven (6:1–7)
      9. Stephen’s arrest and martyrdom (6:8—7:60)
      10. The scattering of the Jerusalem believers (8:1–4)
      11. Philip’s ministry (8:5–40)
        1. In Samaria (8:5–25)
        2. To the Ethiopian eunuch (8:26–40)
      12. Saul’s conversion (9:1–31)
    2. “As far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch” (9:32—12:25; see 11:19 and note)
      1. Peter’s ministry on the Mediterranean coast (9:32—11:18)
        1. To Aeneas and Dorcas (9:32–43)
        2. To Cornelius (10:1—11:18)
      2. The new Gentile church in Antioch (11:19–30)
      3. Herod’s persecution of the church and his subsequent death (ch. 12)
  2. Paul and the Expansion of the Church from Antioch to Rome (chs. 13–28)
    1. “Throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia” (13:1—15:35; see 16:6 and note)
      1. Paul’s first missionary journey (chs. 13–14)
      2. The Jerusalem conference (15:1–35)
    2. “Over to Macedonia” (15:36—21:16; see 16:9 and note)
      1. Paul’s second missionary journey (15:36—18:22)
      2. Paul’s third missionary journey (18:23—21:16)
    3. “To Rome” (21:17—28:31; see 28:14 and note)
      1. Paul’s imprisonment in Jerusalem (21:17—23:35)
        1. Arrest (21:17—22:29)
        2. Trial before the Sanhedrin (22:30—23:11)
        3. Transfer to Caesarea (23:12–35)
      2. Paul’s imprisonment in Caesarea (chs. 24–26)
        1. Trial before Felix (ch. 24)
        2. Trial before Festus (25:1–12)
        3. Hearing before Festus and Agrippa (25:13—26:32)
      3. Voyage to Rome (27:1—28:15)
      4. Two years under house arrest in Rome (28:16–31)