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- Peter and the Beginnings of the Church in the Holy Land (chs. 1–12)
- “Throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria” (1:1—9:31; see 9:31 and note)
- Introduction (1:1–2)
- Christ’s resurrection ministry (1:3–11)
- The period of waiting for the Holy Spirit (1:12–26)
- The filling with the Spirit (ch. 2)
- The healing of the lame man and the resultant arrest of Peter and John (3:1—4:31)
- The community of goods (4:32—5:11)
- The arrest of the 12 apostles (5:12–42)
- The choice of the Seven (6:1–7)
- Stephen’s arrest and martyrdom (6:8—7:60)
- The scattering of the Jerusalem believers (8:1–4)
- Philip’s ministry (8:5–40)
- In Samaria (8:5–25)
- To the Ethiopian eunuch (8:26–40)
- Saul’s conversion (9:1–31)
- “As far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch” (9:32—12:25; see 11:19 and note)
- Peter’s ministry on the Mediterranean coast (9:32—11:18)
- To Aeneas and Dorcas (9:32–43)
- To Cornelius (10:1—11:18)
- The new Gentile church in Antioch (11:19–30)
- Herod’s persecution of the church and his subsequent death (ch. 12)
- Paul and the Expansion of the Church from Antioch to Rome (chs. 13–28)
- “Throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia” (13:1—15:35; see 16:6 and note)
- Paul’s first missionary journey (chs. 13–14)
- The Jerusalem conference (15:1–35)
- “Over to Macedonia” (15:36—21:16; see 16:9 and note)
- Paul’s second missionary journey (15:36—18:22)
- Paul’s third missionary journey (18:23—21:16)
- “To Rome” (21:17—28:31; see 28:14 and note)
- Paul’s imprisonment in Jerusalem (21:17—23:35)
- Arrest (21:17—22:29)
- Trial before the Sanhedrin (22:30—23:11)
- Transfer to Caesarea (23:12–35)
- Paul’s imprisonment in Caesarea (chs. 24–26)
- Trial before Felix (ch. 24)
- Trial before Festus (25:1–12)
- Hearing before Festus and Agrippa (25:13—26:32)
- Voyage to Rome (27:1—28:15)
- Two years under house arrest in Rome (28:16–31)