
How should Christians respond to Islam when “moderate Muslims” don’t speak out against radical Islamic attacks?

Christian reactions to radical Muslim attacks Hurt hearts are hardened It’s human nature. Hearts harden when the ones we love are harmed. We become angry and may act in an unChristian-like manner towards those who harmed us. But it’s not the Christian way. As I write this, thousands have died after the radical Islamist organization Hamas, invaded Israel

The official “Hamas Covenant” clearly tells us who the Hamas are and lays out their hateful objective to annihilate Israel and all Jews.

It's no secret what the Hamas want. They clearly lay out their objectives in a document called The Hamas Covenant. They want the creation of an Islamic state in Palestine and the obliteration or dissolution of Israel and all Jews. Formally known in English as the Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement, the Hamas Covenant was
